Cast: Leo Martinez, Eric Quizon, John Estrada, Wowie De Guzman, Via Veloso
Directed by: Boots Plata
Don Emilio (Leo Martinez) is a millionaire spendthrift who, though doted on hand and foot by his psychopathic relatives, is secretly hated by them because of his selfish, miserly ways. Among the ranks of Don Emilio's treacherous relatives are the hypocritical minister Egay (Eric Quizon), his wife Nelia (Winnie Cordero) and their daughter Nora (Mariejoy Adorable); and gambling operator Dodong (John Estrada), his wife Eliza (Mhalouh Crisologo) and their daughter Vilma (Fereeze Ann Bulquerin). When Don Emilio hires a sexy secretary named Susie (Via Veloso) to include in his personal entourage, everyone - including Don Emilio's long-suffering and love-struck nurse Nikki (Candy Pangilinan) - naturally eyes her with suspicion. The only relative seemingly uninterested in competing for Don Emilio's millions is half-brother Edwin (Wowie de Guzman), who is more preoccupied with teaching streetchildren the latest dance moves, much to the chagrin of his ambitious, social-climbing girlfriend Girlie (Gladys Reyes). Don Emilio's immediate family content themselves with fantisizing about the untimely demise of their fantastically rich relative until fate gave them a stroke of luck, literally. Don Emilio suffers a near-fatal stroke that leaves his lower body incapacitated. But that's not the only axe to fall: it turns out that bad investments and economic crunch have laid to waste Don Emilio's sizeable assets. The former emperor becomes a pauper who has to shuttle from one relative's house to another as even his opulent mansion has been foreclosed by the bank. Suddenly, the tables have been turned. Who among Don Emilio's relatives love him? And who love him for his money? Or will his scheming relatives help fate along and give Don Emilio that final "push" so they can get rid of him forever? Watch out for the answers in the rib-tickling, heart-warming family comedy, Weder-Weder Lang 'Yan.
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